8inputremotecontrolkits 10157013

New 8-input Remote Control Kits from Aquaterr offer wireless, solar-powered transmission and reception of signals for a wide variety of applications, including irrigation, water wells and wastewater management systems.

Kits consist of a transmitter, receiver and omni-directional antenna. Input sensors command the Aquaterr transmitter to send radio signals to a corresponding receiver, normally located near the water supply. Transmitter input signals can come from temperature, moisture and flow detection switches, in addition to reservoir hi-lo water level and alarm switches. Receiver outputs can be sent to a range of actuator types, including pump and irrigation controllers.

The transmitter signal travels on a non-line-of-sight basis over any terrain, regardless of hills, buildings and trees. Featuring a 5-mile range, the signal is uniquely encoded and redundant to avoid tampering. No radio license is required, and there are no cell phone costs.

Solar panels keep transmitters and receivers powered up, and when fully powered, can function for several weeks without sunshine. The rechargeable batteries last up to five years.


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