Women Leading By Example

Green Industry Pros Editor Sarah Webb discusses what's new with this year's Women In The Green Industry Award and elaborates on her conversations with this year's winners.

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It’s that time of year where Green Industry Pros honors female leaders in the green industry with the Women In The Green Industry Award.

For the first time, Green Industry Pros broke down the award winners into three categories:

  • Up and Comer: Honors female professionals under 35 years of age who have made significant strides in the industry.
  • Unsung Hero: Honors a technician, mechanic or crew member who always puts her nose to the grindstone but who may not always get the recognition she deserves.
  • Seasoned Pro: Honors female professionals who have been in the industry 20-plus years and who have made significant strides in promoting other women in the green industry.

We divided the categories this way because we wanted to recognize a wider variety of women leaders in the industry. After all, it’s not required to be a company owner or to have spent decades in the industry to be a leader.

Splitting up the categories also meant that I had the opportunity to garner the perspectives of multiple winners. From those conversations, a few pieces of advice stood out:

  • Find your support group.
  • Always continue to learn and better yourself.
  • Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.

You can find that story here. You can also find stories about the ins and outs of electric compact equipment; disease and weed identification; how to attract and retain more workers to your business; hardscape and lighting trends; and much more.

What about you? Do you know any strong female leaders within the industry? What qualities do they possess? What advice would they give? What do you think could be done to attract more women to the industry? I’d love to hear your thoughts—and I’m sure your fellow readers would, too. Email your ideas to [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Until next time!
