Express Blower Inc.

Eugene, OR 97402

Company Details
1275 Bailey Hill Road
Eugene, OR 97402
Phone:(541) 434-7100
Toll Free:(800) 285-7227
Fax:(541) 349-8161

Over 70 years ago, we had a vision to create pneumatic blowing equipment that would allow for the efficient application of wood mulches. Now refined through practical experience and innovation, the Express Blower is the only blower equipment designed and built to efficiently apply soil blends, mulches, compost, and aggregate. Some of our customers view Express Blower as their opportunity to increase productivity and profitability and expand their current business. Others are pure entrepreneurs who see the rapid growth in the erosion control and green roof industries as an opportunity to capitalize with this unique service. Whichever category you fit into, Express Blower, Inc. has the solution to help you be successful and profitable.

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