The industry's premier annual event, GIE+EXPO, has been steadily growing over the past few years. As a matter of fact, the show set a new attendance record last year. It doesn't look like any momentum will be lost this year either. Several improvements, expansions and additions promise to draw even more attendees to the show—while also giving those perennial show-goers much more to see, do and learn.
Here's a quick rundown of what's going on at GIE+EXPO in Louisville, KY, October 19-21. More details can be found at the official show website, gie-expo.com.
Show hours
Dealer Day will be Wednesday, October 19. Only dealers, retailers and distributors will be admitted to the show floor from 3 to 7 p.m.
Thursday, October 20, the show will be open to everyone. Both indoor and outdoor will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday, October 21, the show will be open to everyone. Indoor will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the outdoor demo area will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Speaking of the outdoor demo area, this massive 19-acre space has been expanded to 20 acres this year.
Dealer Day
As pointed out, dealers will have exclusive access to the tradeshow floor on October 19 from 3 to 7 p.m. In addition, numerous networking and educational sessions will be happening all day long. Jason Dorsey, an expert on marketing to Millennials and Gen-Z, will be the keynote speaker. Dealership management guru Bob Clements will once again take the stage to provide a host of seminars. That education continues on Thursday and Friday.
New this year is UTV University. Several seminars and roundtable discussions will provide insights into the utility vehicle market, helping dealers to better sell and service this growing product category.
The National Hispanic Landscape Alliance (NHLA) will be hosting a LatinoLink breakfast panel discussion, helping dealers gain insights into how to cater to the growing Hispanic market.
The Equipment & Engine Training Council (EETC) will once again be conducting technician training classes and certification testing. Topics include ethanol, saw chain grinding, rotary blade maintenance, advanced carb diagnostics and hydrostatic drivetrain systems.
Learning for landscapers
Educational seminars will be happening all day long October 20 and 21. John Schnatter, founder and CEO of Papa John's, is slated as keynote speaker. Additionally, seminars led by a variety of experts will cover important topics such as marketing, using QuickBooks, building a valuable business you can eventually sell, creating proposals and understanding financial statements.
The NHLA is presenting an expanded lineup of LatinoLink learning sessions. Topics will include H-2B and staffing issues, engaging the Hispanic market for landscaping services, and safety.
New this year is a schedule of seminars geared toward golf course and sports turf managers. Topics will include water management, drainage and weed control.
Also taking place at GIE+EXPO is Hardscape North America (HNA). Attendees will be able to peruse a special section of the tradeshow floor that's dedicated to hardscaping tools and products. Also, a packed schedule of seminars, training and demonstrations will be taking place.
Also congruent to GIE+EXPO is the Landscapes educational conference put on by the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP). You can learn more about that here.
Concerts at 4th Street Live!
The popular outdoor evening concerts at 4th Street Live! are making another comeback this year. Performers include country music star Joe Nichols and opening act Brooke Eden, along with rock groups The Crashers, Kirby's Dreamland and Wax Factory. The concerts are sponsored by Dixie Chopper and Nissan Commercial Vehicles.
For more on GIE+EXPO, visit gie-expo.com. The show is co-sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP), and the Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS).