The Future of Lawn Care is Demanding, but Bright

The annual Lawn Care Summit in Orlando puts into focus the many challenges the lawn care industry faces over the next decade or two, but also the many opportunities for a stronger, more prosperous industry.

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I’ve been down in unusually hot and humid Orlando (at least for this time of year) at the annual Lawn Care Summit put on by PLANET and NPMA (National Pest Management Association). It’s been an eye-opening experience to learn about the new products, regulatory trends, challenges and opportunities facing the lawn care industry.

Keep an eye on our lawn care topics page over the next couple of weeks as we post new content from the Summit.

One thing that has stuck out to me more than anything is the fact that the lawn care industry is at a critical juncture. As one industry veteran said to me in passing, “I’m glad I’m at the end of my career in this business and not just getting started.”

That’s because the regulatory environment is expected to ratchet up even further over the next decade with respect to non-ag fertilizers and pesticides. It’s becoming more of a challenge to stay on top of what products are available for use—when, where, how and how much. But our website, along with organizations like PLANET, NPMA, and your state landscape and lawn care associations, are great resources to help you stay on top of these issues.

Yes, it’s a challenging time for the lawn care industry. But this time also presents great opportunity:

  • Opportunity to play a role in educating the public about the values of healthy turf and plants, not to mention the services you provide
  • Opportunity to play a role in helping legislators shape policy that not only helps protect the environment, but also helps secure the future of the lawn care profession
  • Opportunity to set yourself apart from the “non-pros” who do not possess the fundamental knowledge about lawn care
  • Opportunity to create better lives for you and your families running a business you love (urbanization and an aging population are expected to drive demand for lawn services over the next two decades).

If you didn’t make it to Lawn Care Summit, please get it on your radar screen for next January. I’m sure glad I attended it this year.
