College students from around the United States are currently preparing to compete in the nation’s only collegiate horticulture “games,” which will be held at Kansas State University, March 22–25. The event, Student Career Days, is in its 36th year and is organized by the nation’s lawn and landscape association, the Professional Landcare Network, also known as PLANET.
Student Career Days is an annual three-day event designed to jumpstart horticultural careers for college students. Students from approximately 60 universities and colleges will compete in events directly related to the skills necessary for a career in the Green Industry, including tree climbing, hardscape installation, wood construction, sales presentation, skid steer operation, and plant identification. They will also participate in a career fair and networking events.
“This event allows students to interview for jobs and network with representatives from top Green Industry companies in the United States,” says Anna Walraven, director of Membership & Industry Development at PLANET. “Many students leave the event with job or internship offers.”
Last year, 60 schools and more than 800 students competed at Student Career Days at Joliet Junior College, in Joliet, IL. The top-placing schools included Brigham Young University - Provo, Michigan State University, Brigham Young University - Idaho, Chattahoochee Technical College, University of Georgia, Penn State, Virginia Tech, Colorado State University, Columbus State Community College, and Mississippi State University.
This year’s major sponsors include Stihl Inc. at the Platinum level; John Deere at the Gold level; Caterpillar Inc., Gravely, and New Holland Construction at the Silver level; and Brickman, Husqvarna, Pavestone, and Oldcastle at the Bronze level.
For additional information on PLANET Student Career Days, visit