Appellate Court to Hear Arguments over County Pesticide Ban

Attorneys in the court case involving a county ban on the use of general pesticides are slated to present their arguments.

Bethesda Magazine
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Attorneys in the court case involving Montgomery County, Maryland’s ban on the use of general pesticides are slated to present their arguments to the Maryland Court of Special Appeals soon.

The county law passed in 2015 was set to go into effect in January, but a judge last year struck down the ban after finding it was preempted by state law. The matter is now in the hands of appeals court judges, who are scheduled to hear oral arguments in Annapolis.

The law that would have banned residents from using certain pesticides on private property was designed to limit use of the chemicals based on studies showing a general harm to people, animals and the environment. The county council passed the law by a 6-3 vote despite warnings that it could draw a legal challenge.

The case contesting the ban was brought by county residents, local lawn care groups, companies that produce pesticides and the pesticide industry group Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment.

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