Katana Turf Herbicide

PBI/Gordon's Katana Turf Herbicide

Pbi Gordon Katana Turf Herbici 10932139
Pbi Gordon

PBI/Gordon says its Katana Turf Herbicide aids in the removal of cool-season grasses and weeds from tolerant grass species on golf courses (fairways, roughs and tees) and other non-residential turf areas such as industrial parks, cemeteries, professionally managed college sports fields, commercial lawns and professional sports fields.

  • Controls kyllingas, sedges and broadleaf weeds with post-emergence and some pre-emergence activity
  • Highly selective in bermuda, zoysia and centipede grasses, Katana is also ideal for removal of overseeded cool-season grasses
  • University trials prove Katana excels in controlling ryegrass, clumpy ryegrass, Poa annua, Poa trivialis, tall fescue and annual ryegrass in warm-season turf, according to the company
  • Active ingredient: Flazasulfuron


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