Designed for newly seeded turf, SquareOne herbicide offers control of crabgrass and other small broadleaf weeds—without the wait.
Unlike other products that are too harsh on new turf or require multiple applications, SquareOne can be applied just one day before seeding or as early as seven days after emergence on most cool- and warm-season grasses (through not for use on creeping bentgrass or St. Augustinegrass turf). Weed populations are reduced from the start, allowing for maximum turf density with fewer herbicide applications or the need to re-seed the following spring.
SquareOne works primarily on existing broadleaf and grassy weeds at application time, but also continues to hold back grassy weed competition until new turf is established. It can be used in spring and fall on lawns, athletic fields, sod farms and golf courses.
“Many herbicides have restrictions for use around seeding, typically seven to 28 days prior to seeding or three mowings after emergence,” said Adam Manwarren of FMC. “SquareOne shortens this window significantly so turf grows in faster and healthier, and renovations have a better chance of success.”
SquareOne is a dispersible granule formulation that mixes easily in water. Each tip-and-measure package treats 30,000 sq. ft. at average use rates. SquareOne is currently registered for use in all states except California and Hawaii, including New York.
Learn more about SquareOne and other FMC herbicides and insecticides online, or by contacting your local FMC Market Specialist.
PHOTO CAPTION: Seven days after treatment, the plot treated with 12oz/acre of SquareOne herbicide from FMC is dense and healthy compared to the weed-filled control plot.