As a newbie to the business, I came in June 8 not sure what to expect but I knew that I would have a ton to learn. We dove right into the technical side of things and between setting up my computer and phone, I read through past issues of Green Industry Pros, The Contractor Success Guide and the Dealer Success Guide. Reading over the past issues gave me a feel of the writing style, plus I got a better idea of the industry as a whole.
During my first week I had the opportunity to sit in on our team’s annual strategic planning meeting, which I feel like I couldn’t have had a more valuable experience to start off with. The meeting – which was an absolute deluge of information - gave me a look at what goes on behind the scenes in this industry. Advertising, marketing and even opportunities to grow and change were all covered and gave me concrete ideas of how to move forward (plus it was great to learn how the rest of the team functions and what sorts of things they tackle on the day to day basis).
Another thing that was touched on in the strategic planning meeting is the GIE + Expo, which is coming up this October. I’m excited to head to Louisville, I only get more excited as I research it and hear experiences from past years, and see how all of the exhibit booths as well as how dealers and manufacturers showcase new products.
Moving forward I’m excited for the chance to delve into the field and see the inner workings of dealerships and watch how lawn care companies operate daily. I’ve begun to notice more and more when I’m out around town, not only different types of lawn services that people are having done, but also recognizing some of the types of equipment that they’re using.
I look forward to getting my hands in the dirt, so to say, and start creating articles and features on the companies, products and the people who operate them.