Determined to help those dealing with devastating drought care for their lawns and gardens, Scotts, with the support of California's Department of Food and Agriculture, has expedited the launch of EveryDrop to help residents meet Governor Jerry Brown's mandate: reduce water use by 25%.
"We pledged ourselves to a new era of water consciousness several years ago," said Jim Hagedorn, chairman and CEO of ScottsMiracle-Gro. "We know water is not an infinite resource, every drop counts, and we all have to do our part to use water in more efficient ways. New product development and the introduction of EveryDrop is part of that commitment."
EveryDrop helps soil absorb water that hits its surface, whether it comes from the sprinkler or Mother Nature, driving water deeper into the ground reaching the roots and reducing evaporation. EveryDrop is now available at Home Depot, Lowe's and Orchard Hardware Supply throughout California beginning September 1. The product ranges from $9.99-$11.99 and comes in a 10-pound bag or 3-pound shaker jug.
Water-conscious state of mind. Scotts points to its long track-record of water conservation and says it is leveraging significant resources to support California’s water-reduction efforts, with tools that help Californians save water today, reinvent their yards, and get inspired with smart and simple ways to save water, go low maintenance and still create a dynamic outdoor space. For more information on how to conserve water, visit ScottsMiracleGro.com/California.