PBI/Gordon’s Katana Turf Herbicide has received registration with the State of California Department of Pesticide Regulation, allowing Katana to be marketed and sold in the state for the first time. Katana has been registered and available previously in 30 other states and the U.S. territory of Guam.
Katana Turf Herbicide is the latest addition to PBI/Gordon’s ProFormproduct line of fast-acting herbicides. Like other products in this line, Katana continues to work in cooler weather by root uptake, and it’s not as temperature-dependent as other competitive products, according to PBI/Gordon.
An added feature of Katana is that the active ingredient (flazasulfuron), has been granted Reduced Risk status by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for turf use.
The herbicide is labeled for control of 58 weeds with post-emergence and some pre-emergence activity. Highly selective in Bermuda, zoysia, centipede, buffalo grasses and seashore paspalum, Katana is an effective product for removal of overseeded cool-season grasses. In addition, the company says that university trials prove Katana excels in controlling ryegrass, clumpy ryegrass, Poa annua, Poa trivialis, tall fescue and annual ryegrass in warm-season turf.