Renew Crew
Hot Green Industry Franchises - Renew Crew exterior cleaning and protecting services
Founded in 1993, Renew Crew currently has just 37 franchisees. However, that number is expected to quickly grow. Since 2012, when Renew Crew became part of the Outdoor Living Brands family, the number of franchisees has nearly doubled.
Renew Crew provides exterior protection services, which include cleaning, sealing and protecting virtually any exterior surfaces including wood, concrete, vinyl siding, pavers and brick. Target markets include mid-market and high-end residential, along with commercial.
Renew Crew says its unique, low-investment business opportunity is great for existing business owners who are looking to expand. A key advantage to Renew Crew is that it has proprietary, environmentally friendly cleaners and protectants. Also, proprietary annual exterior maintenance packages and contracts create a recurring, high-margin revenue stream. This “annuity” dramatically increases revenue and profits as a client base is established and grown, Renew Crew assures.
Request more information from Renew Crew by visiting greenindustrypros.com/11403635.