Kohler Engines is excited to launch its DIY Poster Experience, an engaging new web-based campaign that allows participants to create a unique online poster.
When visiting the DIY Poster Experience website, participants will be able to choose between several different keywords and phrases to craft a customized message. The “fill-in-the-blanks” approach utilized on the site makes it easy for anyone to develop a personalized, lighthearted poster. To encourage participation, Kohler will even create professionally printed posters for the first 500 respondents, which the company will then deliver free-of-charge.
Why Kohler is doing this. “Our DIY Poster Experience was developed to help engine enthusiasts – and other consumers – demonstrate their creativity and appreciation for fuel-efficient horsepower in a fun and memorable way,” said Justin Blount, director of marketing for Kohler Engines. “This effort is an interesting marriage of online and offline engagement. Participants will be able to create their posters on the web and then proudly display their completed artwork on the wall of their garage or workspace. Of course, the posters are also incredibly easy to share via Facebook and other social media channels, which will lend some additional buzz and excitement to the campaign.”
It’s both fun and educational. Aside from being a whole lot of fun, the DIY Poster Experience also helps educate participants about Kohler’s exclusive closed-loop EFI (electronic fuel injection) engine, which is now available within the company’s Command PRO product line. These engines have been shown to help deliver up to 25% in fuel savings, and are designed to provide reliable starting and unequaled performance at an incredibly competitive price.