Spring has sprung, and landscape and lawn maintenance crews can be found in almost every neighborhood planting, mowing and trimming manicured yards. But when the forces working against you sometimes include Mother Nature herself, it can be a tough business to succeed in.
According to the July 2016 IBIS World market report, the landscape services industry has annual revenues of $78 billion, annual growth of 3.9 percent, employs 969,257 people and represents 474,237 businesses.
For Parks Kennerly, owner of Nature’s Supply Centre in Mableton, Georgia, there has been plenty of sweat and tears over the last 12 years, but the former desk jockey says he is living his dream as an entrepreneur.
“I make half my money for the year from March to June,” Kennerly said. “Gross is down a little bit this year, so we’re going into the slow time without as much hay in the barn and that’s a concern.”
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