Alden Gray breathes out a sigh, looks down at the ground, chews his lip for a moment and then responds: “I just couldn’t buy the truck,” he said.
Gray, a 34-year-old landscape contractor and owner of Northwest Naturescapes, was trying to explain why he largely runs his business from a three-wheeled bicycle. And perhaps it is through the bike—and its evolution—that we discover the best route to understanding Gray.
A Corvallis native and University of Oregon environmental studies/public policy graduate, Gray said he “wanted to reduce his carbon footprint and make the world a healthier place and help people grow their own food,” although that means some days wind up “being mostly about weeding.”
Gray started with a two-wheeled bike that he modified with an electric conversion kit. He added a trailer to carry his tools and off he went. But he soon discovered that, no matter what type of kickstand he used … the bike kept falling over. Which did not present well to customers.
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