SnowEx HELIXX Stainless Steel Hopper Spreader

Unique design hopper that features a triple threat of spread, pre-wet and spray with one machine

Helixx Stainless Steel Spreaders
Snow Ex Logo Cmyk

SnowEx HELIXX stainless steel hopper spreader that is a triple threat with the ability to spread, pre-wet and spray with one machine.  he corkscrew, or “helix,” design of the material delivery system is optimized for efficient and cost-effective use of salt, and was designed to operate in the target range for salt spreading best practices. Features include:

  • Designed for full-size pickups, flatbed trucks or dump-bed trucks, the HELIXX stainless steel hopper lineup includes five different models with hopper capacities of 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5 or 6.0 cubic yards
  • Three spinner height adjustments allow spreaders to maintain consistent spinner height of 18 to 22 inches off the ground.
  • A dual variable-speed control allows independent adjustment of spinner and HELIXX speeds for precise material delivery, whether at low or high output.
  • No-blast startup and auto reverse
  • Available options and accessories include an inverted “V” for materials susceptible to compacting, dump switches, chute extension, strobe lights, secondary work light, ratchet straps, chain kit, pre-wet tanks and spray boom
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