Tough jobs demand tough products and Scag Giant-Vac Yard Vacuums are ready to meet the challenge. Utilizing all-welded steel housing and impeller construction along with commercial grade quality throughout helps us maintain our time-proven reputation for rugged, durable and dependable products that are built to last and perform.
Debris is sucked up quickly through the 26" intake and hose and is pulverized as it passes through the 4-blade, welded steel impeller and steel housing. This debris reduction maximizes the amount of debris that can be held in the large 8-bushel bag. A special deflector baffle inside the bag distributes the debris inside the bag and allows it to fill properly.
The debris bag is easy to remove and dump with no tools. A zippered vent allows the operator to control the amount of air coming out of the bag. Close the vent in dusty conditions and open it for better airflow and suction when attacking those unsightly leaves in your yard.
The 14" tires make the Scag Giant-Vac Yard Vacuum easy to push. The design gives the vac a very low center of gravity which makes it stable and easy to control.