Late-season goosegrass control can be effectively achieved with a tank mix of Dismiss and Revolver herbicides, recent research shows. The 2009 study tested several different tank-mix combinations to control goosegrass at the one- to four-tiller stage in warm-season turfgrass.
“Turf managers can achieve post-emergence control of newly emerged goosegrass with sulfentrazone herbicides, such as Dismiss and Solitare,” said Dr. Bobby Walls, product development manager for FMC Professional Solutions. “But young goosegrass is difficult to see in a dense turfgrass canopy. By the time it is large enough to see, goosegrass has progressed to the one- to four-tiller stage.”
A study conducted by Dr. Fred Yelverton, extension specialist at North Carolina State University, evaluated Dismiss turf herbicide applied alone and in combinations for goosegrass control at the one- to four-tiller stage. Best results were achieved with a post-emergence combination of Dismiss at the 8-oz. per acre rate and Revolver at the 17-oz. per acre rate.
“This combination highlights the benefits of both Dismiss and Revolver,” said Yelverton. “Turf managers get the fast visual response of Dismiss, which disrupts the cell walls inside the goosegrass plant, and the long-term control of Revolver. In addition, the results are achieved with lower rates of both products.”
An additional benefit of this combination is the broader target weed spectrum for other weeds that are likely present in the same areas. In addition to goosegrass, the tank mix controls yellow nutsedge and kyllinga.
“Applied alone on goosegrass, Dismiss provides a very fast visual response – as little as three days,” added Walls. “But the tank-mix combination provided both faster control and better long-term goosegrass control than either product applied alone.”