In the summertime, homeowners and landscapers often place attractive ground cover around plants, trees and flowers. Those who choose traditional wood mulch for their landscaping needs may not realize that they are also creating a breeding ground for unwanted pests and insects.
“Wood mulch and pine straw are attractive to everything from pill bugs, snails, snakes and earwigs to carpenter ants. These unwelcome visitors can be a nuisance if not dangerous. In the case of carpenter ants, they can be destructive as well, especially if they find their way indoors,” said Brad Pittam, General Manager of LTR Products, manufacturers of Pinnacle Rubber Mulch. “Wood mulch can also turn into a factory for unsightly fungus, which can often produce an unpleasant odor and can spread to nearby landscaping.”
A Smart Alternative
This summer, homeowners, landscapers, developers and others can choose to go green with Pinnacle Rubber Mulch, an alternative to traditional wood mulch for landscaping and playground surfacing. Made from recycled rubber tires, Pinnacle Rubber Mulch eliminates the worries associated with insects that can breed in wood mulch, and it saves thousands of trees from being harvested and shredded.
“Pinnacle Rubber Mulch provides a host of other benefits as well,” Pittam continued. “It resists wind and water erosion, and decomposition and fading caused by sunlight, making it a superior product versus traditional wood mulch and pine straw. The up-front investment in rubber mulch pays off over time, because rubber mulch remains plush for years and does not require an annual replenishment.”
Pinnacle Rubber Mulch is available in a variety of colors. In addition, when rubber mulch is used as safety surfacing for playgrounds, it performs much better than its wood counterpart. A six-inch layer of Pinnacle Rubber Mulch will cushion a child’s fall from as high as 12 feet.
Available by the pound, ton, cubic foot and cubic yard, Pinnacle Rubber Mulch can be distributed anywhere in the U.S. from convenient coast-to-coast shipping points. It is also available for purchase at a variety of retail stores across the nation.
For more information about Pinnacle Rubber Mulch, please visit