Well, everybody, believe it or not, it’s that time of year to shake off the snowy remnants of winter, dust off the maintenance equipment that’s been hibernating in the shed and get your crews ready to warm themselves up as we head into the sprint that is spring busy season.
Of course, it’s important to remember that some regions may get hit with a stray snow storm here or there in the early spring months, but for the most part, it’s time for landscape professionals around the country to “rise and grind.”
To get that momentum going—and keep it going—we have quite a spread of fresh content and ideas for you to think about as we kick off the season.
Our cover story gives a rundown of what landscape pros can expect from the latest mower technology and how they can use it to their advantage; our business management department provides insight on what companies can do to make sure their bench is stacked throughout the season; our mowing and maintenance department lists the different types of maintenance landscape pros should be performing on equipment so it’s ready to go with minimal downtime this season and offers up a few mulching tips; and our irrigation section explains how irrigation professionals can properly install smart controllers and what they can do to recycle outdated irrigation components.
Outside of this issue, we’re also gearing up to present our annual Women in the Green Industry Award, the winner of which will be profiled in our May/June issue, and on social media, we’re rearing to go on our Mower Madness campaign, which will pit the industry’s top mowers against one another and ask you, our audience, to vote on your favorites.
Stay tuned to our social media channels for more on those initiatives. In the meantime, I wish you all a healthy and productive spring season!
What are you most looking forward to this spring season? I’d love to hear your thoughts—and I’m sure your fellow readers would to. Email your ideas to [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn by following the QR code.
Until next time!