NALP, másLabor Team Up On H-2B Services

The National Association of Landscape Professionals joined forces with with másLabor, a provider of comprehensive services for employers participating in the H-2B nonimmigrant visa programs.

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The National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) joined forces with with másLabor, a provider of comprehensive services for employers participating in the H-2B nonimmigrant visa programs.

“The H-2B process is cumbersome and confusing and there are many mistakes that can be made throughout the process if you aren’t working with an experienced H-2B provider like másLabor,” said Andrew Bray Senior Vice President of NALP. “This new partnership will strengthen our collective voice by collaborating with másLabor on future efforts to help the landscape industry navigate the H-2B program."

NALP’s new partnership with másLabor will give members access to másLabor’s industry-leading systems and expertise. Members will also have access to exclusive content, including webinars and other resources, to help program users stay compliant with the programs’ complex rules and regulations.

“We deal with the government so employers can focus on doing what they do best: running their businesses and our job is to cut through the bureaucracy and deliver results,” said Edward Silva, CEO of másLabor. “We’re launching a new employer portal this summer that will better facilitate the overall transparency of the filing process, worker coordination, and transfers putting us at the cutting edge of employer support.”
