Bayer unveiled a new pre-emergent herbicide for warm season grasses that is designed to control poa annua, crabgrass, goosegrass, and more than 60 broadleaf weeds. Other benefits include a lower use rate of up to 40%.
Bayer Specticle features the active ingredient Indaziflam, which as of July 26, 2010 has been registered in 30 states. Bayer officials expect registration in all 50 states, in addition to Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., by year’s end.
Specticle 20 WP, a wettable powder, is the product currently being marketed, though a granular version is expected to also be available in the future.
According to Bayer officials, Specticle offers outstanding residual control, won’t stain or leave an odor, and easily mixes with selective post-emergent herbicides. The product’s price point places it right in the middle of the pre-emergent product category, according to Bayer.
Use rates are also considerably lower, according to Bayer – 2.5-5 ounces of product per acre / 0.5-1 ounces of active ingredient per acre.