Hunter Industries will combine WR-Clik (rain sensor only) and the WRF-Clik (rain and freeze sensor) into one wireless sensor with freeze shutdown capabilities.
WR-Clik and WR-Clik-TR models with manufacturing date codes of Nov. 22 and newer have the rain and freeze sensors included.
Hunter said this update is for its wireless Rain-Cliks only. Hunter said it did not update wired Rain-Clik models with a wired rain/freeze sensor (model: RFC).
The company said its built-in quick response technology in the Hunter Rain-Clik and Wireless Rain-Clik can send a command to a controller to shut it off right when it starts to rain. Irrigation technicians can mount a Rain-Clik on an eave or any flat vertical surface like a wall or fence. Hunter also offers a gutter mount for easy installation on the edge of a gutter.