Solitaire Herbicide from FMC Professional Solutions is now available in a 4-pound package. The new package will treat up to four acres. The company will also continue offering Solitare in the original 1-pound jar, allowing greater application flexibility for turf professionals.
An all-in-one post-emergence weed control solution, Solitare provides control of sedges, crabgrass and tough broadleaf weeds in a single application. Labeled for the control or suppression of more than 60 weeds, Solitare provides fast, visible results with symptoms appearing just a few days after treatment, according to FMC.
“We’re pleased to offer an additional package size for Solitare,” said Adam Manwarren, turf and ornamental brand marketing manager for FMC. “Lawn care professionals and golf course superintendents have requested a bigger package for treating larger areas. Now they have a choice of treatment options. The larger package size is value-priced.”