With the launch of Nufarm Edge Rewards early order program on Sept. 1, 2024, lawn care operators will have a wider field of savings and more ways to save.
The Edge Rewards program spans two order periods, Sept. 1 through Oct. 31, 2024, and Nov. 1 through Dec. 6. Through Nufarm’s Edge Rewards program, participants can get valuable distributor credit rebates by purchasing a combination of two or more products with a minimum total value of $3,000 during one of the two order periods. This year’s program features, in part:
- Southpaw is a unique formula offering flexible post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds, and sedges in warm-season turf types.
- SureGuard EZ delivers long-lasting preemerge and residual control of grass and broadleaf weeds for six months or more, saving time and costs with easier mixing and handling than SureGuard SC.
- Velocity PM selectively removes annual bluegrass and roughstalk bluegrass while reducing seedhead production and suppressing dollar spot.
- Allstar is a unique, fast-acting, post-emergent selective herbicide for use on cool-season turfgrasses. With four actives Allstar single-handedly controls grassy weeds, nutsedge and tough broadleaf weeds like spurge, clover, dollarweed, ground ivy, oxalis, wild violet and Virginia buttonweed.
Visit the Nufarm website for more information on special offers.