As 2011 comes to a close, it is of course a time for individuals, and businesses, to make their New Year’s resolutions for 2012. For businesses, deciding what to focus on in the coming year can prove critical to their bottom lines.
International customer service expert and author of the book The Greet Your Customer Manual Laurie Brown says 2012 will be “the year of the customer” and businesses need to make changes to focus on the customer in ways they never have before.
Brown, a trainer, coach, speaker, and author with more than 20 years of experience helping individuals, associations and companies improve their sales, customer service, leadership, and presentation skills says 2011 has proven that customers are just starting to see how much power they really have.
No longer do customers have to deal with unfriendly service providers, or outdated policies and procedures. If they do not get exactly what they want, when they want it, and how they want it, they will go elsewhere. And not only will they go elsewhere, but they can and will use their voice to send other potential customers elsewhere, as they twitter, yelp, and trip advisor their unhappy opinions.
So, what New Year resolutions do businesses need to make to deal with the consumers’ newfound power? Brown has come up with five key New Year’s resolutions that she feels all businesses need to be making this New Year:
- Make 2012 the year of the employee. When you treat your employees exceptionally well they will treat your customer the same way.
- Make greeting your customer a priority. Customers have an abundance of patience but no ability to be ignored.
- Rework your policies and procedures to be focused to the benefit of the customer, not the company.
- Train and empower your employees to solve problems without having to go to the manager.
- Thank your customers for doing business with you. Let them know you appreciate them.
For more information on Brown’s tips visit www.thedifference.net.