Informational marketing is the sharing of valuable or interesting information with your clients for the purpose of helping them while establishing yourself as an expert in your field. In today’s social market, it takes quality information to create value and credibility with clients. The results of such an effort reap rewards that far exceed monetary value. Below are some real world examples that I’ve personally used.
Group E-Mails
For group e-mails, it is important to cut and paste your distribution list into the “bcc” field for privacy’s sake. I find that general information works best for group e-mails and they should NEVER be sales related unless you’re sending a reminder for a special event or promotion such as an open house.
Example: “Dear Green Industry Professional, I just wanted to let you know about the important meeting coming up on September 1st at Town Hall. The council will be voting on water restrictions and everyone within the Green Industry is encouraged to attend as it will have an effect on everyone’s business. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call or reply back.”
Personal E-Mails
Personal e-mails need to be personal in nature and can be a compliment or personal feedback, simple suggestions or other topics of interest to that specific person.
Example: “Hey Liam, I just wanted to let you know that I ride by Carolina Pavilion every day and I know you guys maintain that property. That said, I wanted to let you know that it has never looked better! Keep up the good work!”
Face to Face
This typically occurs on the sales floor, over the parts counter, on the phone or in the service department. Example: “John, the book will tell you to change your hydraulic filter and oil with 20W50 motor oil at the 50 hour mark. I wanted to share with you a best practice by switching over to synthetic oil which has a higher viscosity rating allowing your hydros to tolerate the summer heat better and even last longer.”
You can do these yourself or have a speaker come in. I regularly partner with the local cooperative extension agent to discuss pesticides, insecticides, and other topics relevant to my landscape contractors. One of the best seminars was with a manufacturer service and 20-25 landscape mechanics where we shared best practices for preventative maintenance. We also encourage them to bring their questions and actual units that may be giving them problems. The results are amazing and parts sales as well as wholegoods always see a spike in the days and weeks following.
Try offering this seminar for free. If you don’t get the attendance or have a lot of no-shows, then start charging $10 each and provide lunch. It’s amazing what a small commitment will do for your seminar attendance.
Jay Gaskins is a 25 year Green Industry veteran as a mechanic, manager and owner. He now works with dealers as a coach to help them realize maximum sales results and efficiencies. For more information, visit or contact Jay at [email protected].