Bodies Found in Planters; Landscaper Called a Serial Killer

The dismembered remains of “at least” three victims were found hidden in the bottom of planters in the backyard of a home.

Associated Press
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Toronto, Canada police said they have charged an alleged serial killer with three more deaths, bringing the total to five. And police believe there are more victims.

Bruce McArthur was charged earlier this month with first-degree murder in the presumed deaths of Selim Esen and Andrew Kinsman, both reported missing from Toronto’s gay village area at separate times last year. Toronto Detective SergeantHank Idsinga said that the 66-year-old Toronto landscaper has been charged with three more counts of first-degree murder.

Idsinga said the dismembered remains of “at least” three victims were found hidden in the bottom of large planters in the backyard of a Toronto home that McArthur used as storage for his landscaping business.

Police have or plan to search about 30 properties where McArthur landscaped.

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