A blade grinder can be a great addition to any landscape company. Sharpening blades can extend the blade life—and provide a better cut—while saving time and money. But if your technique is incorrect, it will cost you money. ProParts Direct suggests following these five steps to successfully sharpen a set of mower blades.
1. Set the blade grinder to the correct angle. When sharpening OEM blades, consult your owner’s manual for the correct angle. For Oregon replacement blades, use a 30° angle.
2. For a right-hand cut, set the motor to forward (counter clock wise) to draw the blade into the stone. This will throw sparks out to the right, away from the user.
3. Your first pass should be to square up the blade. This will remove any Knicks or chips in the blade. Once you have set your edge then draw the blade across the stone until you have ground away the metal to meet the bottom edge. Flip the blade and repeat using the same number of passes. Do not attempt to get a razor sharp edge.
4. Balance your blade. Balancing your blade is a simple and very important step when sharpening your blades. A simple screw on the side of your work bench or blade balancer will do the trick. Balancing your blade can save you from having to replace your deck spindles prematurely.
5. Always use proper safety equipment and apparel, including eye and/or fact protection.