U.S. Lawns Adds 28 Franchises in 2012

2012 was a record-breaking year for the Orlando-based commercial landscape management franchise company, as a weak job market and conversions of existing landscape companies continue to fuel expansion.

U.S. Lawns says it had a record-breaking year of growth in 2012, with 28 franchises awarded year-to-date and hopes to finish the year with 30.

The down economy has not stopped the success of this Orlando-based commercial landscape management franchise company. U.S. Lawns has awarded 126 franchises since 2008. Almost half the total sales since 2008 have been “conversions,” which are existing landscape business owners that converted to a U.S. Lawns franchise.

“The turmoil in the economy has played a huge role in our success with conversions,” noted Brandon Moxam, U.S. Lawns director of franchise recruiting. “Business owners are searching for ways to improve their business and gain a competitive edge in their local markets. Franchising is a natural fit for these entrepreneurs. They’re committed to the industry and they’ve already taken on the risk of business ownership, but lack the branding, systems, processes and support of a national company.

“We’ve also seen a high number of candidates who have been displaced from corporate jobs who found that the opportunity to own a business was preferable to the less than stellar job market,” Moxam adds. “Additionally, the economy has forced individuals to take a hard look at where they’re at with their careers, even if they are still employed. We have had just as many candidates reach out to us who have hit the ceiling in their current careers and want to make a change as we’ve had those who are out of work.”
