Drafix Software has released a new version of its Pro Landscape design software. Version 21 contains over 13,000 of the industry’s highest-quality images. The updated library contains new plant material for all climate zones, hardscapes, water features, lighting and more.
Other software improvements include:
Enhanced Plant Information – In addition to the detailed information for every plant in the Pro Landscape library, there are now new attributes that make it easy to find and use plants that are deer-resistant and drought-tolerant.
Direct Export from CAD to PDF – Saving your drawings as a scaled PDF file is much easier. A single export command creates a file you can email to your customers or to your local print shop.
New Color CAD Options – Two new color render modes have been added. New pencil sketch and blended watercolor symbols and patterns now give designers a total of eight pre-set color render modes to choose from to quickly create color CAD drawings.
New Step and Deck Commands – Version 21 includes new, easy-to-use commands for drawing steps and decks.
Other Highlights of Version 21
Pro Landscape Version 21 also includes new features such as an enhanced edit menu, new auto-save feature, new legend options, improved backup utility, new symbol array offset tool, new update check tool, and much more.
Pro Landscape Version 21 is compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Pro Landscape will run on a Mac if the appropriate Windows software is installed. The Pro Landscape Companion app runs on either iPad or Android tablets. Version 21 sells for $1,495. Current Pro Landscape users can upgrade to the newest version starting at $295 depending upon their current version.