Low-Speed Electric Vehicles Have You Riding in Style

Polaris’ GEM low-speed electric vehicle offers more built-in comfort and street-legal safety features than a golf cart.

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Polaris Commercial Logo Blue Cmyk

Polaris believes its GEM low-speed electric vehicle (LSV) offers more built-in comfort and street-legal safety features than a golf cart, yet more maneuverability, cost-efficiency and sustainability than a truck or van. According to the company, these eco-friendly vehicles also deliver:

  • Quiet electric power for low-maintenance driving, averaging just 3 cents per mile to operate.
  • The ability to be driven on streets in most states with a speed limit of up to 35 MPH.
  • The versatility to be driven on a variety of outdoor surfaces, including sidewalks and grassy areas, as well as indoors.
  • Your choice from two sizes—the GEM e4 to comfortably seat four people or the GEM e6 to handle a bigger crew of up to six.
  • A spacious interior with adjustable forward-facing seats, three-point safety belts, and LED brakes lights and turn signals.
  • Suspension and power steering that enable a smooth, stable ride.
  • Options and accessories to customize the GEM to fit your exact needs. 
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