Lone Star Drills new tracked drill with an automatic SPT hammer for improves accuracy in geotechnical and soil sampling applications. The remote-controlled tracked drill provides an ideal solution for accomplishing soil sampling or geotechnical testing in those harder to reach sensitive areas. Features include:
- 27-horsepower Kohler EFI gas engine (Diesel option will also be available.)
- 3,000-psi hydraulic system
- 12.5-gpm hydraulic power pack achieves a rotary speed of 100 rpm.
- Hydraulic winch with 1,500 pounds of pull for raising the automatic hammer and sampling Ground pressure 3.8 psi
- Hydraulic leveling with cylinder on each corner and a telescoping jack, allowing for operation on uneven ground.
- 140-pound automatic hammer capable of sampling down to 100 feet.
- Compatible with Little Beaver’s split spoon samplers and AWJ drilling rode for core samples or geotechnical testing
- Easy adjustments to maintain ideal push-down force with bypass flow control system.
- Optional anchor allows for force up to 8,500 pounds.
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