Resist the Urge: Don’t Pull That Weed

While pulling a weed may seem like your best option, success may be short-lived if you don't get it all. Learn more about other options to help eliminate weeds such as nutsedge.

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*This article is sponsored by PBI-Gordon Corporation

You know the feeling. You get a good grip on the base of a weed, anchor your feet, square-up your hips, and pull. You feel the weed give up, hear that that satisfying “pop,” and you look down: you got the entire root. Victory!

But if you don’t get it all…

Most weeds just get angry when you try pulling them and don’t get the entire root. And if the weed is nutsedge, anger is an understatement. Because when you yank a nutsedge out of the ground, you will almost always leave behind some tubers. And when tubers are left behind, the nutsedge wins, because those tubers sprout rhizomes that become new nutsedge plants.

So resist the urge to pull those weeds. Instead, stop them with Aethon™ Herbicide SL from PBI-Gordon Corporation. Aethon is an innovative liquid herbicide solution formulated warm-season turf species. Aethon offers dependable control of dollarweed, ground ivy, wild violet, Virginia buttonweed, and 40 more listed broadleaf weeds, plus exceptional kyllinga and nutsedge control.

And unlike a missed hand pull, Aethon gets the tubers. Aethon is proven to reduce the number and viability of nutsedge tubers, including yellow, purple, and annual nutsedges. And fewer tubers this season means fewer later this year, and fewer tubers next season.

Residual performance in important to your business, and Aethon lasts. Studies show Aethon controls purple and yellow nutsedge, green kyllinga, dandelion, white cover, dollarweed, and Virginia buttonweed for up to 100 days. That residual action means dependable weed control, fewer applications, and savings on labor and fuel costs.

Aethon is labeled for us in established warm-season turfgrasses, including Floratam, Bitterblue, Seashore Paspalum, and other listed improved varieties of St. Augustinegrass. And it’s approved for use on residential sites, parks, golf course fairways, tees, roughs, and aprons, and more.

The feeling of triumph when a weed root gives way to a good, strong hand-pull is hard to beat. But that triumph is short-lived if you leave any behind – especially nutsedge tubers. Resist the urge and ensure victory with Aethon Herbicide SL. 
