iPad 2 Promotion from Hunter Industries

Watch short, informative video on the Dual family of Hunter-designed control products, take short quiz, enter to win one of eight Apple iPad 2’s.

Hunter Industries invites you to learn more about the Dual, a plug-in for the already popular I-Core controller that combines simplicity and economy to create a two-wire alternative for designers and installers who may have shied away from more exotic two-wire control systems. Dual offers a two-wire solution for medium size projects at a breakthrough price point.

To be entered to win an iPad 2, simply go to www.hunterindustries.com/dualchallenge to watch a short and informative video and take a quiz to learn just how efficient and convenient this two-wire solution can be. Eight entrants will win an Apple iPad 2. Promotion ends January 31, 2012.

The Dual product family is a new generation of Hunter-designed control products, which target smaller systems and first-time installers of decoder technology. A Dual output module can be inserted in the output slots of any I-Core controller. The module then provides up to three two-wire paths to the field for two-wire valve control via individual decoders in the valve boxes.
