New Program Helps Contractors Master Their Financials

Green Industry legend and financial whiz Frank Ross has teamed up with Jim Paluch and JP Horizons to create a 32-lesson training program to help contractors master the art of financial management. No-risk trial offer available.

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By utilizing a unique training methodology known as A Better Way 2 Learn, financial expert Frank Ross can be present at all of your company’s financial meetings—for a fraction of the investment.

Click here to learn more and to sign up for a no-risk trial offer.

Here are some highlights:

  • The program is built from Frank’s Financial Management Cycle which incorporates an integrated system that works in all companies. (Detailed in Lesson plan 2 that you receive in your No-Risk Trial Offer.)
  • 32 Lesson Plans that you and your team will use as agendas to create more awareness on financial management in your company.
  • Each lesson plan is supported by 3 to 6 videos that highlight Frank’s easygoing personality and clear communication style, making it seem as if he is sitting right at your conference room table, personally discussing your business.
  • Numerous forms and Excel spreadsheets that can be easily implemented within your company.
  • You will become part of a National Network of companies supported through blogs and monthly teleconferences that will allow you to tap into some of the best business minds and expertise of our time.