Corion Landscape Management in Ferndale, WA, has joined the LandOpt Contractor Network, expanding the Network’s reach to the West Coast.
Corion was founded in 2001 by owner David Arnold and is a comprehensive landscape management company that provides both maintenance and installation services in Whatcom and Skagit Counties. The company has earned a distinct reputation commercially in the multi-family market, primarily among condo associations and assisted living facilities.
According to Arnold, the decision to become a LandOpt Contractor was largely based on his desire for continued growth and profitability. He saw LandOpt’s processes and procedures as a way to streamline his business for greater efficiency. “We’d like to expand and strengthen our current scope of services, and ultimately add an additional location,” he noted.
While keeping an eye on the future, Arnold fully intends for his existing customers to see a difference as well. “We want our existing client base to expect a positive change. What is now ‘good’ customer service will become even better, and our strong customer retention rate will remain consistent,” he noted.
The ultimate goal? “To become the company of choice not only for our clients, but also for our employees because of our professionalism and overall company culture centered on teamwork,” Arnold added.
LandOpt expanding market presence. Corion Landscape will be LandOpt’s first West Coast contractor, with the majority of the Network currently spread along the East Coast, through the Gulf Region and expanding as far as Michigan in the Midwest.
“Although our Network’s growth has been measured and geographically driven to this point, we are finding that interest in the LandOpt System has exceeded those borders,” noted LandOpt president and CEO, Tim Smith. “As such, we are talking to contractors throughout the country—from the Pacific Northwest down along the California coast, to the Southwest and throughout the Midwest. Certainly there is a need for, and an interest in, our services. The timing is right to expand our boundaries and create a much larger Network. Regardless of their location, all of our contractors share similar goals and challenges with regard to the growth of their companies.”