The Irrigation Association’s Smart Irrigation Month Committee has launched an online toolkit for water providers to help them promote irrigation efficiency. Free of charge, the kit offers tips and articles that can be passed directly to customers as well as sample press releases and logos that can be used to promote Smart Irrigation Month.
Smart Irrigation Month is an IA initiative created to promote efficient watering practices, technologically advanced irrigation products and water-use efficiency. The initiative encourages irrigation professionals to promote water efficiency to business partners, customers and water end users.
“Smart Irrigation Month was established to increase public awareness of the value of water-use efficiency during summer’s peak demand,” said the committee’s chair Dave Magner, sales and business development manager for Rain Bird Corporation. “This toolkit was made for water providers with the input of water providers. It’s designed with ready-to-use materials for the web, social media and print.”
The toolkit includes:
- Sample proclamation for your local government to declare July as Smart Irrigation Month.
- Sample press release to inform local media that July is Smart Irrigation Month.
- Statement stuffers with simple watering tips.
- Social media guidelines and tips ready for use on Facebook and Twitter.
- Coloring and puzzle book to distribute at schools and community events.
- Pre-recorded public service announcements to play on local radio stations.
- Smart Irrigation Month logo artwork for your web site and marketing materials.
- Case study on partnering with local irrigation experts.
- Educational articles for use in newsletters or on the web.
The toolkit is available at