Billbugs on the Move

Two species of billbugs have invaded Yakima, WA. What can be done to get the outbreak under control?

While the Bilderbergs are trying to figure out how the Brexit and rise of Trump are influencing their thirst for global dominance, the billbugs are raising havoc in Washington state.

As reported by KIMA TV in Yakima, WA, local lawn care experts say two species of billbugs are eating away at lawns. The Denver Billbug and the Bluegrass Billbug are to blame, experts say.

Billbugs burrow into soil where they lay larvae, which eat away grass roots. Dead grass and dirt patches is the result of an infestation.

According to the University of Idaho Extension, The first symptoms of billbug damage are dry, irregular-sized, dead spots appearing in the lawn, usually from early to mid-summer. Although several other conditions may cause dry spots, the presence of loose sod and small, white legless grubs in the root zone are positive evidence of billbug damage.

It’s best to treat for billbugs in early May before egg-laying occurs. For post-emergence control, you’ll need an insecticide, such as Meridian from Syngenta.
