Bayer Environmental Science has received registration for the newest generation post-emergent herbicide, Celsius, which will deliver the highest degree of weed control on warm-season turf.
- Safe for year-round use on the most important warm-season turf types (St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, bermudagrass, and zoysiagrass)
- Provides exceptional control of troublesome broadleaf and grassy weeds, application convenience, flexibility and long residual
- Lawn care operators (LCOs) can feel confident applying Celsius even at the highest temperatures without fear of phytotoxicity
- Control broadleaf and grassy weeds during high temperatures, allowing the turf to reach its optimal density during the most favorable time of year for growing grass
- Has shown specific benefits in terms of broad spectrum control for more than 150 weeds, including doveweed, bull paspalum, large crabgrass, dandelions, Virginia buttonweed, and dollarweed
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