Harrell's launched ProtectMax Southside Broadleaf and Sedge Herbicide, designed for selective postemergence control of annual and perennial sedges, grasses and broadleaf weeds in warm season turfgrass.
“Harrell’s ProtectMax Southside Broadleaf and Sedge Herbicide is a novel formulation of two proven active ingredient," said Jeff Atkinson, Ph.D., director of agronomy for Harrell's. "By systemically controlling a wide array of broadleaf and sedge species at an affordable price, Southside provides tremendous value to golf course superintendents, lawn care operators, and field managers alike.”
The herbicide is designed for broad-spectrum control of key sedges and 110 other grassy and broadleaf weeds. This cost-effective solution can be used alone or in tank mixes and is safe on warm season grasses including bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, St. Augustinegrass and centipedegrass. Its convenient formulation allows for use across many areas including golf, residential, sports fields, sod farms, institutional, commercial and industrial settings.
Harrell’s ProtectMax Southside is now available exclusively through Harrell’s and can be seamlessly integrated into your current weed control program.