Dow says its LockUp specialty herbicide provides the power of liquid weed control in granular formulations.
It is available through distributors as a formulated product for superior control of key weeds like dollarweed in the South and dandelion in the North. It offers post-emergence weed control to lawn care professionals, golf course superintendents, sports turf managers and sod producers.
Accepted for review and registration under the Reduced Risk Pesticide Initiative of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, LockUp provides activity at extremely low use rates (0.02 to 0.06 lb. a.i./A) and can be applied to cool- or warm-season turf year-round. And according to Dow, LockUp offers superior post-emergence control of other key broadleaf weeds, including white clover, kyllinga, Florida betony, knotweed, black medic, English lawn daisy and chickweed.