Nufarm Americas' Anuew EZ, a liquid formulation plant growth regulator, received Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration.
“As part of our commitment as a partner for growth, Nufarm has been the proven technical leader for this transformational PGR technology” said Vice President of Turf and Ornamental Sales Blaine Pinkerton.
Nufarm’s Anuew EZ liquid formulation is a late-stage GA inhibitor that delivers long-lasting growth regulation on cool-season turf and faster regulation on warm season-turf, saving lawn care operators time with less mowing and fewer clippings. The technology is also proven to improve turfgrass quality by shifting carbohydrates to the plant roots, visibly improving turf density, color and appearance.
Anuew EZ will be available in the fall as part of the upcoming Nufarm Edge Rewards Program.
Anuew EZ is labeled for all major warm- and cool-season turf, including common and hybrid bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, St. Augustine, paspalum and kikuyugrass, as well as bentgrass, annual and perennial Poa annua, Kentucky Bluegrass, perennial, ryegrass and tall and fine fescues.