During National Small Business Week, small business experts Joseph and JoAnn Callaway shared business tips to help small business owners prosper. Each tip puts the customer first as a tactic for attracting customers initially and encouraging their return. Below are a few of the tips that you could use in your business practices to gain customer loyalty and encourage the support of small business.
Change your thinking about why you exist. Make the switch from thinking about making more money to how you can better serve customers. When you focus on how to serve customers, your bottom line will see the benefits of putting customers first.
Take your business personally. Never use or believe the words “it’s just business”. This old standby phrase is simply not true, especially to the customer. To truly serve your customers, you have to see them as more than just a source of income and really care about their needs and how you can meet them.
Pay attention to the little things. Don’t get too caught up in big goals before you take care of the small details. Get the little things that build a business in order before focusing on large goals that you can pursue over time after establishing a good business base that allows you to provide the best customer service.
Hard times don’t justify stinginess. It may take time, but whatever you give will usually come back to you with interest. The shortcuts you refuse to take in customer service and care will pay you back in the future with return customers and business.
Don’t lie to customers. It can be tempting to tell white lies, exaggerate, misdirect, omit, and cut corners to make life easier. But when it comes to putting customers first, it is best to be honest from the beginning to build a reputation for trustworthiness that leads to customer loyalty.
Be honest with yourself, too. Be honest with yourself about where your priorities lie and how others perceive you. Try to see your business as your clients and customers see you. Are you putting them first—or putting yourself first?
Treat employees at least as well as you treat customers. The way your people treat customers reflects the way you treat them. Treat staff with courtesy and respect to see that customers are treated just as well.
What are some of the ways you practice putting the customer first? Share in the comments section below.
To learn more about the authors and their client-first approach, visit clientsfirstbook.com.