More women are stepping up within the landscaping industry, which is why Green Industry Pros is once again recognizing female leaders in the landscaping world with the 2024 Women In The Green Industry Award.
Nominations are now open for the award, which highlights outstanding female leaders whose accomplishments offer a road map for other women looking to shape and advance the green industry.
With this award, Green Industry Pros strives to honor women whose achievements and success stories have helped move the needle for other women in the industry; women who promote safety, sustainability and workforce development; women who work toward advancing the green industry as a whole.
Green Industry Pros reaches landscape professionals and dealers in segments including mowing and maintenance, lawn care, irrigation, design-build, lighting and more. If you are a female leader and your company or your customers are a part of this reach, then you are eligible!
New this year:
The 2024 Women In The Green Industry Award will be broken down into three distinct categories (select 1):- Up and Comer: Honors female professionals under 35 years of age who have made significant strides in the industry.
- Unsung Hero: Honors a technician, mechanic or crew member who always puts her nose to the grindstone but who may not always get the recognition she deserves.
- Seasoned Pro: Honors female professionals who have been in the industry 20-plus years and who have made significant strides in promoting other women in the green industry.
What's the key to a winning submission?
Answer in complete sentences, provide as much detail and information as possible. Be sure to tell a story of the nominee's journey and achievements. There are no character or word count limits. Provide examples and be thorough. Those submissions with little information or incomplete sentences generally do not win.
Deadline for submissions is Friday, March 15, 2024.
CLICK HERE to access the nomination form. CLICK HERE to view the criteria of this award.
And, CLICK HERE to preview the questionnaire.
For questions, please contact Editor Sarah Webb at [email protected].
Check out previous winners here, including podcast interviews and more!