"We were able to transform a tired old deck and standard suburban yard into a wonderful rustic garden that seamlessly blends with the Tudor architecture of the home," says Matt Culligan of Rolling Landscapes in Lemont, IL.
"It was a design we worked on and off over a couple of years," Culligan continues. "Since the homeowner was an avid gardener, it was a true collaboration; we would propose and she would offer input. There were definite things she wanted incorporated into the design, such as water features, a trellis, a knot garden and perennials. My team came up with the overall design and layout of the hardscapes and trees and shrubs. Another firm, Coventry Gardeners, was involved with the flower/perennial design. Another firm, Bower Woods, did the pergola. Night Light did the outdoor lighting.
"The old deck was taken out and replaced by a set of rustic limestone steps. We actually used old limestone that was reclaimed off another job where the homeowner felt the stone was junk, but it was anything but. The steps lead down from the upper patio to the lower lawn area. We then carefully selected perennials and woody shrubs to fill the transition space with texture, movement and color. We used dwarf flowering crab, willowwood viburnum, birds nest spruce, course-textured hosta, sedge, sedum, shrub roses, coralbells and lamb's ears.
"Toward the back of the lawn, another set of rustic stone steps leads down to the panel of lawn in the lower garden. This area is surrounded by the same colorful and dramatically textured perennials and woody shrubs used above.
"Additionally, gravel paths of pea stone lead to a rustic yet symmetrical patio. Double soldier course and a diagonal ribbon of 100-plus-year-old reclaimed brick pavers from the streets of Chicago nicely contrast the tightly jointed irregular limestone."
Rolling Landscapes Inc. is an expert design/build/maintenance firm serving the Western suburbs of Chicago. The company has been in business for 28 years.