Mow and Go: Mulch Mowing Benefits Lawn Health

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is encouraging Mow & Go—a campaign to mulch mow leaves.

Hays Post
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The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) announced the launch of Mow & Go—a new campaign to encourage Kansans to mulch mow their leaves this fall. Mulch mowing has many benefits. By reducing the amount of leaves bagged and sent to the landfill, we can conserve space.

In addition, mulch mowing:

  • Saves money. By using leaves as fertilizer, it reduces the cost of purchasing lawn fertilizer, and lawn and leaf bags.
  • Saves effort and time. Save your back this year by leaving mulched leaves in place rather than raking, bagging, or blowing them to the curb.
  • Keeps your property healthy. Leaving organic nutrients in your soil feeds your lawn, improves soil health and retains moisture.

“Kansas has always promoted waste reduction in communities throughout the state. The Mow & Go campaign is just another tool for communities to use to encourage waste reduction. We hope all Kansas residents will consider mulch mowing leaves this fall—it has many benefits,” said Bill Bider, director of the Bureau of Waste Management.

To read the original article, please click here.
