The Turf and Ornamentals business of Bayer is making it simpler for lawn care operators to control broadleaf weeds and sedges in one simple solution with Celsius XTRA. Other options to control these difficult weeds require multiple solutions, leading to tank-mixing, guesswork in measuring and other unnecessary hassles. Celsius XTRA eliminates potential costly worries for lawn care operators because it provides broadleaf weed and sedge control in one simple, broad-spectrum solution.
“At Bayer, we are focused on making it as easy as possible for lawn care operators to succeed, so we are thrilled to introduce them to Celsius XTRA,” said Alison McFee, head of marketing for the U.S. Turf & Ornamentals business. “This innovative solution fulfills an unmet and important need for our customers by controlling both broadleaf weeds and sedges, thereby eliminating the risks and hassles of tank-mixing.”
If technicians do not mix products correctly, they run the risk of errors that could either burn a lawn or reduce the efficacy of the product. Lawn care operators can have greater confidence in their weed management strategies with Celsius XTRA because it is effective on all major warm season turf types, even the most sensitives ones like St. Augustine grass and centipede grass.
Celsius XTRA has the broadest spectrum control compared to competitors. It is proven to provide excellent, season-long control of broadleaf weeds, sedges and kyllinga species. Whether it is treating dandelions or putting a stop to nutsedge, the broad-spectrum control of Celsius XTRA gives lawn care operators greater control.
“Celsius XTRA builds on the long-standing, trusted efficacy of Celsius for broadleaf weeds while adding sedge control to make it a total weed-management solution,” said McFee. “Lawn care operators can achieve better outcomes with Celsius XTRA, including less risk to turf, greater control and more satisfied customers.”