Envu added four new herbicides designed to tackle tough cool-season turfgrass problems such as crabgrass and more than 90 broadleaf weeds: Acclaim Accelerate, Terradex Crabgrass and Broadleaf, Terradex Quick Strike and Terradex Power Premix.
“The new herbicide products are designed to be applied during the hardest parts of the year to control tough-to-manage weeds,” said Zac Reicher, Ph.D., Green Solutions Team at Envu. “All of these products can be used in ride-on sprayers and can be applied over new seeding after the second mowing. We know lawn care crews need herbicide solutions that are dependable. These new products deliver on that promise.”
The formulations deliver superior performance and environmental responsibility, aligning with the dedication to sustainable solutions. Details about the products include:
- Acclaim Accelerate: The new herbicide features a high-quality surfactant that becomes rainfast quicker and enhances control of three- to five-tiller stage crabgrass. Acclaim Accelerate can be applied spring through late summer in either broadcast or spot applications.
- Terradex Crabgrass & Broadleaf: Labeled for 192 broadleaf and annual grassy weeds. Ideal application is shortly after crabgrass germination or after it has matured beyond five tillers.
- Terradex Quick Strike: Labeled for more than 90 broadleaf weeds including dandelions, oxalis, plantains, Virginia buttonweed, white clover, thistles, wild garlic and onion, ground ivy, and knotweed. It’s rainfastness in six hours, controls broadleaf weeds delivering results in 24 to 48 hours, and plant death occurs within 10 to 24 days. Terradex Quick Strike is best applied spring through fall at temperatures less than 90 degrees.
- Terradex Power Premix: The premixed formula is proven to kill tough-to-control species like ground ivy, wild violet, clover, docks, knotweed, Lespedeza, old world diamond flower, poison ivy, poison oak, puncturevine, purslane, Virginia buttonweed, wild onion, wild garlic and more. Terradex Power Premix is a cost-effective and convenient formula that can be used on newly established turf. It is best applied spring through fall at temperatures above 50 degrees F and below 90 degrees F.